Journal Title: Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 2
İnsanının rasyonelliği üzerine kurgulanan Neoklasik iktisat teorisi bugün dünyada hâkim iktisat politikalarına yön vermektedir. Söz konusu politikaların neticesinde oluşan hali hazırdaki gelir ve servet dağılımı ise kabul edilebilirliğin çok ötesinde bir durum sergilemektedir. Bu nedenle iktisadi hayattan, insanın yanılmazlığı gerekçesi ile ahlakı ve kamu denetimini dışlayan Neoliberal iktisat politikaları yerine, toplumsal değerlerle, kamu denetimine yer veren, sermaye birikimi için zenginin ihtirasına dönük üretim yerine, ihtiyaç sahibinin temel gereksinimleri için üretimi amaç edinen yeni iktisat anlayışına ihtiyaç olduğu muhakkaktır. Bu anlamda bireysellikten ziyade toplumsal birlikteliği ve sosyal sorumluluğu dikkate alan, insana olduğu kadar doğaya karşı da duyarlı olan değerler ekseninde iktisadi hayatın düzenlenmesi sosyal refah ve barış için zaruret arz etmektedir. Bu çerçevedeki yeni bir yapılanmada, insan davranışlarına göre şekil alan iktisadi hayatın düzenlenmesinde, davranışlara şekil veren toplumsal değerlerin rolünün dikkate alınması gerektiği kanaatindeyiz. EXTENDED SUMMARY Neoclassical economics does not consider any moral principles and social values based on social responsibility, ignoring the possibility of making mistakes with the claim that it rationally behaves, while defining human beings objectively. İt is not possible the acceptance of the reached position that human beings nowadays, by the Neoliberal understanding, that advocates that economic activities should be realized only by maximization of profit and benefit and the capital accumulation. In addition, by claim the rational human beings do not make mistakes, by not accepting any kind of intervention in the marketplace, by ineffecting the state is an important role in the negative process. In this context, the economic activities of the producer in terms of only profitability and capital accumulation, the consumer in terms of personal benefit maximization as well as the results of today's Neoliberal policies, the lack of explaining economic behavior in many issues is also addressed to criticism. For example, the fact that a person gives some or all of his economic existence to others in the form of help and charity cannot explain by the today's economic theory. It is possible to see such behaviors that can be replicated in our current lives in different ways in every society. It is impossible to deny that the economy, which is basically composed of production, sharing and consumption, is essentially a science of behavior. Therefore, in the source of the economic problems that have caused the puts enormous costs on societies, which we call the economic crisis today, there is no doubt that there is nothing but inadequacy, injustice and extremism in production, sharing and consumption. As you can see, the issues that arise as economic problems are basically nothing more than imbalances in the behavior of individuals and societies. Although neoclassical Economics has called people homeconomicus and considered them to be non-error, in recent years a number studies so-called behavioral Economics focuses on the misconceptions of people. In these studies, it is claimed that a person can make mistakes because of his anger, joy, sadness and forgetfulness. In new studies called behavioral Economics, there are discourses that human beings are not absolute rational, but rather limited rational. while these studies combine economic theory with human behavior, trying to tolerate the claims of the Neoclassical Economics about human perfection. These studies have revealed that economic activity is mainly based on human behavior, but have not developed serious discourses about how behavior is shaped according to how it is. At this point, we have to point out that human behavior is shaped by the need to meet the social expectations that we can define as external motive, as well as the individual needs and desires we call instinct. In this sense, we can say that the individual is a social being on the basis of the need to consider to the society and meet its expectations. Therefore, it is certain that the expectations of the community to which it belongs have an important role in the behavior of the individual. What is the individual expectation of the society? The short answer to this question is social values. Therefore, social values play an important role in the economic decisions and attitudes of the individual. As a result of this, it is necessary to state that social values should be shaped accordingly in order to direct the economic behavior of the individual to solve economic problems. In this study, first of all, the predictions of rational human and Neoclassical Economics theory will be discussed, a brief evaluation will be done of the behavioral economics which tries to take place in the economic literature and criticizes the rationality of homo economicus. In the end, the effects of values on economic decisions will be examined by taking into consideration social values and their effects on behavior. The aim of this study is to examine the role of social values in economic life which is shaped according to individual and social behavior. Because while behavioral economics examines limited rationality in human behavior, it is not possible to say that what it is and that it is sufficiently focused on its relationship with values.
Authors and Affiliations
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