Prospekt Wesoły underlies the past analyses of pregnancy, delivery and postnatal issues. The time span of this work had been set by church commissions (1511, 1726), which aimed at collecting testimonies to confirm the mi...
The paper discusses the credibility of Jan Długosz’s Annales by resorting to the example of Mroczek of Łopuchowo’s attempted assassination from 1412. The story as told by the Polish chronicler raises many doubts and ther...
The study focuses on some selected aspects of the activity of the French military mission in Czechoslovakia in the inter-war period, mainly on the analysis of the French military personnel of the mission that acted in th...
Jakub Muchowski (2018). Realizm i modernizm, sprawcy i ofiary. Odpowiedź na komentarz Macieja Bugajewskiego. Historia Slavorum Occidentis, 18(3),
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Ciąża i narodziny dziecka w świetle Prospektu Wesołego Miłosiernych Oczu, Przenayświętszey Maryi (...) z Gory S. Gostynskiey (XVI–XVIII w.)
Prospekt Wesoły underlies the past analyses of pregnancy, delivery and postnatal issues. The time span of this work had been set by church commissions (1511, 1726), which aimed at collecting testimonies to confirm the mi...
W obronie czci biskupa Piotra Wysza? Zamach Mroczka z Łopuchowa na biskupa Wojciecha Jastrzębca
The paper discusses the credibility of Jan Długosz’s Annales by resorting to the example of Mroczek of Łopuchowo’s attempted assassination from 1412. The story as told by the Polish chronicler raises many doubts and ther...
Insights of the French Military Mission Representatives to Czechoslovakia into the Offensive Plans of the Republic and the Functioning of the Czechoslovak Army in 1919–1925
The study focuses on some selected aspects of the activity of the French military mission in Czechoslovakia in the inter-war period, mainly on the analysis of the French military personnel of the mission that acted in th...
Książka Radzim. Gród i wieś nad Wartą w kontekście badań nad osadnictwem grodowym Wielkopolski
Stańczycy – konserwatyzm, który przeminął?, red. Jacek Kloczkowski, Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej, Kraków 2016, ss. 143