This article presents a review of family sagas theory (family novels) as a genre. A family saga derives from Medieval Saga, but in contemporary meaning it is an extensive epic story about the history of the family. The p...
In the present article I attempt to provide an account of the skeptic-narcissist paradox, which Stanley Cavell finds in Shakespeare’s Othello. On one hand, Othello is a “perfect soul”, on the other, he is condemned to th...
The aim of the article is to present the problem of invention in Polish contemporary narrative journalism. The analysis of creative non-fiction books written by Katarzyna Surmiak-Domańska, Jacek Hugo-Bader and Wojciech J...
The article is split into two parts. In the first one, author postulates interpreting Stefan Szymutko’s oeuvre within a broad context of „philological practices” and tries to describe the big array of modern returns to p...
The aim of this work is to reconstruct the picture of emotional disorders as revealed in Jamison’s self-narration. The starting point was the question whether self-narration can be a source of information about the patte...
Saga rodzinna — próba uporządkowania i konceptualizacji gatunku / Family Saga — an Attempt to Organize and Conceptualize the Genre
This article presents a review of family sagas theory (family novels) as a genre. A family saga derives from Medieval Saga, but in contemporary meaning it is an extensive epic story about the history of the family. The p...
The Poetics of Phantasia: Some Remarks on the Renaissance Concepts of Imagination and “Fantastic Imitation”
In the present article I attempt to provide an account of the skeptic-narcissist paradox, which Stanley Cavell finds in Shakespeare’s Othello. On one hand, Othello is a “perfect soul”, on the other, he is condemned to th...
Granice kreatywności w reportażu / The Limits of Creativity in Reportage .
The aim of the article is to present the problem of invention in Polish contemporary narrative journalism. The analysis of creative non-fiction books written by Katarzyna Surmiak-Domańska, Jacek Hugo-Bader and Wojciech J...
Praktyki filologiczne Stefana Szymutki – rekonesans
The article is split into two parts. In the first one, author postulates interpreting Stefan Szymutko’s oeuvre within a broad context of „philological practices” and tries to describe the big array of modern returns to p...
Obraz zaburzeń emocjonalnych w autonarracji K.R. Jamison / Picture od Emotional Disorders in the K.R. Jamison’s Self-narration
The aim of this work is to reconstruct the picture of emotional disorders as revealed in Jamison’s self-narration. The starting point was the question whether self-narration can be a source of information about the patte...