Рецепція кольору в іншомовному дискурсі: теоретичний аспект
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
The article deals with various theoretical aspects of studing colour names in foreign language discourse. In particular, ethnic coloration of colour names and their belonging to the linguistic picture of the world are considered. The problem of colour reception in the comparative aspect is investigated. Coloured names play a significant role in intercultural communication. The colour names system of any language is ethnically marked. It is both a derivative of culture and a culture forming factor. The study of ethnic coloristics is an integral part of the study of the world’s linguistic picture. Scientists are interested in how colour categories are reflected in human mind. In the reception of colour, there is always an estimation moment, and the axiological colour definition exists in a wide ethnolinguistic space. First of all, this is due to the fact that colour name is ethnocentric. Colour symbols in the text become the basis of the plurality of its meanings and enrich its imaginative and informative structure. The use of colour names (especially the various shades of colour) in the text adds more emotionality to the reader’s perception of this work. It is worth agreeing with the opinion of many researchers that emotions play an important role both in the semantic coding of colours and in their reproduction. The connection “colour → emotion” is obvious. However, there is another point of view regarding the connection of color and emotions – “emotion → colour” The emotional and colour systems are mutually perceptible and interchangeable in the process of reception. “Mental” colour is the receptive colour, that is the one that is responsible for experiencing. The reception of colour in a literary text is a unique way of interpreting it. In the text with the help of colour, not only portrait and characteristic descriptions of characters and landscape are created, the inner world of the characters and the psychological motivation of their actions are depicted, but also national identity is accumulated. The interest of modern researchers shifts towards the mental sphere of the existence of colour names. Naturally, that in the comparative analysis of colour meaning in English and Ukrainian languages, the aspect of studying the phraseological material is very important, as one that most fully reflects the national colour. Special author’s reception of reality is transmitted in colour, therefore colour names carry important ethnic and cultural information, the adequate reproduction of which in foreign language discourse is a relevant comparative and translation problem. Particular difficulties in translation are due to the idiomatic nature of colours like the signs of culture, the interpretation of which is simply impossible with matching colours, because they are signs of culture.
Authors and Affiliations
В. Б. Приходько
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