Recommendations for the diagnosis of human papilloma virus (HPV) high and low risk in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. Guide of experts PTORL and KIDL
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 3
The role of human papilloma viruses (HPV) in malignant and nonmalignant ENT diseases and the corresponding epidemiological burden has been widely described. International head and neck oncology community discussed growing evidence that oral HPV infection contributes to the risk of oro-pharyngeal carcinoma (OPC) and recommended HPV testing as a part of the work up for patients with OPC. Polish Society of ENT Head Neck Surgery and National Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians have worked together to define the minimum requirements for assigning a diagnosis of HPV-related conditions and testing strategy that include HPV specific tests in our country . This paper briefly frames the literature information concerning low risk (LR) and high risk (HR) HPV, reviews the epidemiology, general guidance on the most appropriate biomarkers for clinical assessment of HPV. The definition of HPV-related cancer was presented. The article is aiming to highlight some of major issues for the clinician dealing with patients with HPV-related morbidities and to introduce the diagnostic algorithm in Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Wierzbicka, Agata Józefiak, Jarosław Szydłowski, Andrzej Marszałek, Czesław Stankiewicz, Elżbieta Hassman-Poznańska, Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Jacek Składzień, Janusz Klatka, Wioletta Pietruszewska, Krzysztof Szyfter, Witold Szyfter
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