In the paper the author presents Andrzej Towiański - an influential Polish messianist who established the Circle of God's Cause in Paris in 1840s – in relation to celebrity culture. Basing on theories of Chris Rojek, Dav...
The article is about food motives in Polish movies and TV serieses about concentration camps. It contains analysis of movies with concentration camps theme and indication of functions in which food performs in that produ...
The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...
cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...
EP ID EP52726
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How To Cite
Aneta Jałocha (2014). (Re)Designing Human. Genetics in Cinema. The Dialectics of Past, Present and Future. Kultura Popularna, 4(38),
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Echa filmów Johna Cassavatesa. Odpowiedź na kino amerykańskiego reżysera w Blue Valentine Dereka Cianfrance'a i Żonach Anji Breien
Andrzej Towiański, czyli prorok elektryczny. Medialność mesjanizmu w kontekście kultury celebryckiej
In the paper the author presents Andrzej Towiański - an influential Polish messianist who established the Circle of God's Cause in Paris in 1840s – in relation to celebrity culture. Basing on theories of Chris Rojek, Dav...
Jedzenie w polskich filmach fabularnych o tematyce obozowej
The article is about food motives in Polish movies and TV serieses about concentration camps. It contains analysis of movies with concentration camps theme and indication of functions in which food performs in that produ...
Polska dla Polaków, nie żaden kurwa Ahmed – analiza narracji islamofobicznych w polskim rapie
The “invented” Muslim-migrants became contemporary “folk devils”. They are portrayed by the media – which play a crucial role in this process – as deviants, who pose a threat to the social order, national culture and val...
Na antypodach (artystycznego) kabaretu. Specyfika warszawskiej rewii międzywojennej w kontekście globalnych wzorców gatunkowych – rekonesans
cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...