In the Czech Republic, military elites find it very difficult to persuade politicians and the public that they should spend more on defence, which is in agreement with the predictions of the theory. The decreasing willin...
This paper examines the issue of ballot voting in elections with a focus on traditional and modern voting methods. The purpose is to provide policy analysis with a survey of the development of voting methods, from their...
Josef Miškovský (2008). Referenda o vstupu pobaltských států do EU: Vliv etnického složení na výsledky hlasování. StŁ™edoevropské politické studie, 10(2),
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Tendencies in the Development of Czech Armed Forces at the Turn of the Millennium
In the Czech Republic, military elites find it very difficult to persuade politicians and the public that they should spend more on defence, which is in agreement with the predictions of the theory. The decreasing willin...
The Historical Development of Voting Methods: Voting Technology as a Fundamental Variable in the Election Process.
This paper examines the issue of ballot voting in elections with a focus on traditional and modern voting methods. The purpose is to provide policy analysis with a survey of the development of voting methods, from their...
Jüptner, Petr – Polinec, Martin – Švec Kamil a kol.: Evropská lokální politika. Praha: Institut politologických studií Fakulty sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy, 2007
Book Review
Integrácia imigrantov: Analýza multikultúrneho modelu vo Veľkej Británii
Darina Malová (eds.): Parlamentná demokracia. Parlamenty vo svete a na Slovensku. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2004
Book review