Refleksije pandemije na dostupnost istraživanja arhivske građe u arhivima // Pandemic reflections on the availability of archival research in archives
Journal Title: Arhivski pogledi // Archival Views - Year 2021, Vol 2, Issue 2
Based on his own experience, the author talks about the availability of research on archival material in archives, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the surrounding countries, in the context of the SARS-COV-2 virus pandemic. The paper treats positive and negative examples, which the author met during the research of archival material in archives, then on the establishment of communication and how to get to archival material in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Archives of Yugoslavia in Beograd and the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb. Several positive examples of work were pointed out, but also negative examples of work in the mentioned archives. Also, based on his own experience during research in archives, the author proposed recommendations, which archives should work on, „not in the future, but now“, in order to create favorable conditions for the smooth operation of researchers and employees in archives.
Authors and Affiliations
Jasmin Jajčević
Prikaz//Review: Vlatka Lemić, Tamara Štefanac (urednici), Razvoj publike – priručnik za edukaciju arhivista i baštinskih stručnjaka, ICARUS Hrvatska, Zagreb 2021, 79 str
Prikaz//Review: Vlatka Lemić, Tamara Štefanac (urednici), Razvoj publike – priručnik za edukaciju arhivista i baštinskih stručnjaka, ICARUS Hrvatska, Zagreb 2021, 79 str
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Izvještaj//Conference Report: Izvještaj sa Međunarodne arhivske konferencije “2. Tuzlanski arhivski dani”, Tuzla, 24. i 25. septembar 2021. godine
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