Regarding the Impact of Correctional Personnel on the Convicts


This article explores how correctional personnel that performs its professional duties impacts the convicts as the latter are particularly vulnerable due to their social exclusion. The article points out that correctional personnel represents the Law and public authorities and accordingly it must comply strictly with the existing laws when performing its professional duties. A particular attention is paid to personnel’s socially educational work with the convicts. The article considers positive and negative impact of correctional personnel on the convicts and the causes of such impact. It is proved that the positive effect on a convict combined with other favourable factors creates appropriate conditions for successful correction and re-socialising and prevents future crimes.

Authors and Affiliations

Olena V. Haltsova


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How To Cite

Olena V. Haltsova (2018). Regarding the Impact of Correctional Personnel on the Convicts. Часопис Київського університету права, 1(2), 280-284.