Regenerative medicine in dentistry – “a test-tube tooth”– current state of research on vital substitute teeth (bioteeth)
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2010, Vol 63, Issue 12
Introduction: Reconstruction and regeneration of tissues through the use of patient’s own cells and the induction of the autoregenerative potential are elements of a new approach towards medical treatment – the regenerative medicine. This kind of treatment is already practised in maxillofacial and oral surgery. Regenerative medicine and biology also create interesting prospects for dentistry: to create functional vital substitute teeth by means of in-vitro technique. It is a potential alternative to contemporary methods of missing tooth replacement.Aim of the study: To present the assumptions, research foundations and trends in the fieldofbiotooth development.Conclusions: Research concerning biotooth is being carried out in many centres. Two main trends can be distinguished: the firstoneoriginatingintissueengineering and the second one based on developmental biology and embryology. The basic difference between these two approaches can be described as follows: the engineering-related approach aims at constructing a tooth with the use of biosubstitute material scaffolds, while embryology/developmental biology-related approach aims at creating conditions capable of triggering natural mechanisms of tooth development. Clinical application is not to be expected soon and will require broadening of the knowledge of many mechanisms involved in tooth biology.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Olender, Artur Kamiński, Izabela Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz, Hubert Wanyura
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