Regulacje prawne w zakresie przewozu towarów niebezpiecznych różnymi środkami transportu
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 208, Issue 6
Substances, mixtures and articles meeting the criteria for classification as dangerous goods should be transported in accordance with the requirements set out in the relevant legislation, adequate for the type of transport. Conditions for the transport of dangerous goods by road transport have been determined in European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), by rail transport in Regulations concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), by inland waterway transport in European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN), by sea transport in International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), by air transport in ICAO Technical Instructions for The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO TI) and IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR). In addition, certain national laws, on the territory of countries are respected in this regard, but these regulations must not impair the safety level established by international regulations. The guidelines set up in this field allow to undertake by the participants the necessary measures in order to prevent threats to people, the environment and property, and in the case of an accident, incident or malfunction allow to undertake measures to reduce the spread of emerging risks and actions minimizing its effects.
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