Regulation Improvement of Criminal and Legal Liability for Crimes against Statesman
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 33
The article highlights the research issues of criminal and legal regulation of liability for crimes against statesman. In particular, the regulations analysis of the Criminal Code of Ukraine has revealed three articles, which established criminal liability for unlawful influence on a statesman (Art. 112. Attempt on the life of a statesman or public official; Art. 344. Interference in a statesman’s activity, Art. 346. Threats or violence against a statesman or public official). Certain shortcomings in the criminal protection statesman have been established. First, such articles’ arrangement demonstrates the different generic object of such crimes. Second, categories of victims have a different meaning. The basic directions of regulation improvement of criminal and legal liability for crimes against statesman have been defined, and a regulatory definition of a statesman has been suggested as well as a single list of statesmen who are under state protection has been stipulated.
Authors and Affiliations
V. V. Kuznetsov
Кількісно-якісні показники незаконного переправлення осіб через державний кордон України
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