Rejestr rzeczy mijanych jako przyczynek do wyznań osobistych w relacji z podróży Teofili Morawskiej
Journal Title: Prace Literaturoznawcze - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 3
The article is trying to analyse the diary written by Teofila Morawska in the XVIII century and distinguish in it two aspects of narration typical of autobiographical writing, i.e. an external focaliser and an internal focaliser. The analysis made allows to affirm that this diary can be considered a certain step in the evolution of the genre of literature, in which it comes to gradual change of the main role of an external focaliser for the sake of an internal focaliser. The traveller’s priority was also to describe the surrounding area. However, numerous comments concerning this reality and reflections based on it give the opportunity to know the personality of a traveller, which was hidden before by the surrounding described.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Kurządkowska
Nowożytność, kontekst, pedokomparator, czyli o trzech sposobach na wyjście z getta (na marginesie artykułu Iwony Maciejewskiej)
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