Relevant aspects of the theory of John Locke’s ideas

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article dedicated to the research of simple and comprehensive ideas in John Locke’s philosophy. Their interaction has been considered. There is also provided the structure of investigative knowledge. Including to the category of «ideas» various processes and functions of human psyche, Locke had created background for the differentiation of these «ideas» into special subgroups. The ideas are formed and function on the basis of what sense is conscious of them inside of itself, and therefore experiences them. Indeed, the understanding itself of easy things for Locke means, in most cases, their experience. The ideas of inner experience introduce, according to Locke, a field of so-called reflections. The concept of «reflection» was an important obtaining of philosophy, for without it, properly speaking, the human knowledge is impossible. A ccording to John Locke, it appears that the theory of knowledge has to investigate not only the source of knowledge and the mechanism of forming of its direct and indirect pieces, but also to cognize the activity of subject. The article presents classification features of the theory of Locke’s ideas, its functions, as well as shown role and functions of reflections.

Authors and Affiliations

Yevhen Petrov


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How To Cite

Yevhen Petrov (2016). Relevant aspects of the theory of John Locke’s ideas. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 98-107.