Religion, Cognition, Spirituality in Education
Journal Title: Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue 2
In this article we assume that empirical knowledge is not the only source of knowledge about the world and the surrounding reality for pedagogy. There is an increasing opposition to the unilateral assignment of cognitive priority to empirical knowledge and we can also see a shift towards heterogeneous pedagogy, which allows for competing research paradigms. This thinking enables us to also deal with pedagogical problems in relation to transcendence. We then speak of “transcendent pedagogy”, identified with an autonomous subdiscipline of science called “pedagogy of religion.” The article attempts to describe the contribution of religion to the pedagogical and educational reality. We are aware that this submission will not be accepted by all but this is not the point. It is important, however, that, regardless of the worldview, one should seek the truth about the importance of religion in the processes of human development and education. To find the truth it is necessary to know whether religion, properly understood, restricts man or if it reveals a new, more meaningful way of life to him. What does/can religion (Christianity) bring into human life and what inspiration can it provide? Going into detail of the above-mentioned issues, we will engage the understanding of man drawn from Christianity. We will also present the offer that Christianity makes to pedagogy, by this meaning explanations based on non-empirical knowledge, as well as the appreciation and fostering human spirituality (the immaterial sphere). Spirituality is sometimes called a set of values, traditions (cultural heritage) and attitudes of man. It is also understood to outline the “path of human conduct” by promoting a vision of life, a reflective attitude toward everyday life, a respectful posture with regard to the world, and the hope of finding God (immortality).
Authors and Affiliations
Zbigniew Marek
Sociology of Education as a New Pedagogical Subdiscipline Mirosław J. Szymański, Studia i szkice z socjologii edukacji [Studies and Essays in Sociology of Education], Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warszawa 2015, pages 202
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