Report from the 2nd Nationwide Scientific-Methodical Conference Intellectual Disability. Health – Education – Therapy. Sexuality of People with Intellectual Disabilities
Journal Title: Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 27
This article is a report on the 2nd Nationwide Scientific-Methodical Conference on the subject: Intellectual disability. Health – Education – Therapy. Sexuality of persons with disabilities which was held on 8 December 2017 at the Pomeranian University of Słupsk. The initiators and organizers of the Conference were employees of the Department of Social Sciences of the Pomeranian University of Słupsk together with employees of Teacher Training Center as well as management of „Dajmy im Radość” association. The aim of the conference was to show the sexuality and psychosexual functioning of people with intellectual disabilities. The conference sessions included a plenary session and thematic sessions. Each of the thematic sessions was accompanied by lively discussions, a lot of interest and an excellent atmosphere. The conference attracted a lot of interest from parents, teachers, therapists and students, who participated in numerous events during both plenary and thematic sessions. The analysis showed that this event was one of the major meetings of teachers of special education in the region. The evaluation of the conference showed that there is still considerable interest in the topic under discussion and that a continuation is advisable. Sebastian A. Zdończyk, PhD, summed up the conference and invited for another planned event devoted to people with intellectual disabilities.
Authors and Affiliations
Sebastian Artur Zdończyk
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