Research on value co-creation with the participation of patients based on DART model – methodological remarks / Badanie współtworzenia wartości zdrowotnych z udziałem pacjentów przy wykorzystaniu modelu DART – uwagi metodologiczne
Journal Title: Przegląd Epidemiologiczny - Year 2019, Vol 73, Issue 3
INTRODUCTION. Derived from business practices co-creation theory indicates that patient can be a source of value and actively contribute to it. METERIAL AND METHODS. DART model - most popular conceptualizing framework for value creation - was presented. Considering the multiplicity of perspectives of a large stakeholders group appearing in the healthcare system a direction of its development was also proposed. AIM. The possibility of using quantitative methods to study value creation between empowered patients and selected stakeholders was tested as well as work of the questionnaire that was adapted from value creation research based on the DART model that was conducted among entrepreneurs. RESULTS. Substantial number of inadequate questions in relation to the respondents’ experience was indicated on the other hand the need to include further groups of stakeholders was emphasized. The results signal the possibility of significant differences in the perception of meeting the requirements for co-creating value with patients by individual stakeholders, such as: doctors, state offices or pharmaceutical companies. DISCUSSION. Different perception of value makes difficult to find universal tools for measuring it. However, the economic and humanitarian importance of the issue in the healthcare system necessitates such tools further development. CONCLUSIONS. The tested tool has limited application in the healthcare system but may provide valuable information on the relationship between the patient and doctor or other stakeholder pairs as well as in selected contexts of co-creation.
Authors and Affiliations
Mariusz Olejniczak, Paweł Pliszka
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