Response of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties to phosphorus levels in the active Tista Flood Plain | IJAAR
Journal Title: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 1
Farmers are mostly face problem in the context of their cultivation to select right variety with proper levels of fertilizer especially phosphorus for better yield of French bean (legume crops). An experiment was conducted in the field of Fulgach village under Lamonirhat district at the northern region of Bangladesh during November 2014 to February 2015 to assess the effect of phosphorus levels on the growth, yield attributes and yield of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties. The experiment was conducted maintaining randomized complete block design consisting three French bean varieties, viz. V1 – BARI Jhar Sheem-1, V2 – BARI Jhar Sheem-2 and V3 – Nick and four levels of phosphorus viz. P0, P20, P40 and P60 kg phosphorus ha-1, respectively replicated thrice. Varieties showed significant results on growth and yield attributes except number of branches plant-1 but phosphorus exhibited significant results of all growth and yield attributes except number of seeds pod-1. Varieties combined with phosphorus given significant results of all the parameters. Highest pod yield (22.70 t ha-1) was obtained from BARI Jhar Sheem-2 while lowest (16.64 t ha-1) from BARI Jhar Sheem-1. Highest dose of phosphorus @ 60 kg ha-1 gave highest pod yield (22.12 t ha-1), where as lowest (18.82 t ha-1) was obtained in control. Apparently, the highest value of pod yield (24.40 t ha-1) was found from the combination of BARI Jhar Sheem-2 with 60 kg ha-1 phosphorus and lowest (15.23 t ha-1) from the combination of BARI Jhar Sheem-1 with control treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Mohammad Shahidur Rahman
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