Результати селекції картоплі на комплекс цінних господарських і біологічних ознак / Results of the selection of potato on a complex of value economic and biological features
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The potato has a critical meaning to solving food problems. Among the factors of the intensification of the potato industry, along with the improvement of the elements of cultivation of potatoes, the central place belongs to the sort. In 2013–2015 experimental researches were carried out on the complex estimation of 20 new hybrids of the selection of potatoes of Lviv NAU for their biological characteristics and economic qualities. According to research results, a number of promising potato hybrids have been identified, in particular, the hybrid 94/89-6, obtained from crossbreeding [(Hibrydna 14 × Lvivianka) × SVP – Holland] is a medium-late, for table purpose, crop capacity is 37–52 t/ha, persistent to viral diseases, Phytophthora infestans, potato nematode, common biotype of cancer, Actinomycetes scabies Grussow. The hybrid 94/89-6 under the name of the Zvaba variety in 2016 was transferred to the State variety testing for testing in the network of sorting testing stations located in the Polissya and Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine with other selected promising hybrids, which are distinguished by a complex of valuable biological and economic features, further breeding work will be carried out in accordance with the scheme and method of selection of potatoes.
Authors and Affiliations
Petro Zaviryukha, Ziniviy Nezhyvyi, B. Kostiuk, V. Vykhovanets
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