Journal Title: Sport Mont - Year 2007, Vol 0, Issue 12
Ba sic for re a li za tion of to u rist mo ve ments lays in me e ting cul tu ral and rec re a ti onal ne eds of po ten tial cu sto mers. If we know that lar gest num ber of to u rists re pre sents part of rec re a ti o nal ones, than is not hard to re a li ze how lar ge po ten tial lays in that number of po ten tial gu ests. On this fact sho uld be bu ilt stra tegy of mo ve ment of to u rist of fer of Da ni lov grad for it ex tre me po ten ti als on which can be fo un ded con cre te pro ject. In this work are gi ven ba sic as sump ti ons for de ve lop ment of sport rec re a ti o nal sha pes of to u rism with stress to na tu ral po ten ti als of ri ver Ze ta its banks and its clo se sur ro un ding that di rectly de ter mine sha pe of sport rec re a ti o nal ac ti vi ti es that re pre sent ba sis of to u rist of fer. Of fer sho uld be cre a ted in that way that it is adap ted to wi de seg ment of rec re a ti o nal gu ests and not pro fes si o nal spor tsmen, alt ho ugh they al so sho uld not be un de re sti ma ted but one sho uld know that in or der to cre a te con di ti ons for ar ri val of sports pro fes si o nals of fer has to be com ple tely dif fe rent and mo re spe ci a li zed that re qu i res cre a ting of con di ti ons of existen ce of highly de ve lo ped sports in fra struc tu re, whi le for ama te urs a lot can be do ne in “system of im pro vi sing”, sa tisfying ba sic cri te ria – rec re a tion in con di ti ons of un touc hed and well pre ser ved na tu re with se cu ring ma xi mal le vel of se cu rity and pro tec tion of gu ests, in or der to pre vent pos si ble un wil ling con se qu en ces that can lead to in jury of gu ests and for de ve lop ment and re a li za tion of such pro ject one need a much less funds than is bu il ding of fa ci li ti es that sho uld me et stan dards of pro fes si o nal spor tsmen. Po ten tial of ri ver Ze ta are hu ge and at trac ti ve for which re pre sent na tu ral re so urce on which can be fo un ded pro jects of de ve lop ment of sports rec re a ti o nal to u rism that ha ve all advan ta ges that along cre a ting cer tain to u rist pro grams, the ir good pro mo tion and be co ming fa mi li ar with po ten tial gu ests with its con tents so that they can be co me highly qu a li ta ti ve ba sis for eco no mic de ve lop ment of Da ni lov grad. The aim is to cre a te good of fer at good in fra struc tu re, lo gi stics and with good equip ment with se cu ring ma xi mal se cu rity, adap ta tion to va ri o us wis hes of gu ests, ta king in con si de ra tion the ir struc tu re is con di ti o ned by age, he alth con di tion, physi cal fi t ness as per so nal wis hes to ward sports and rec re a ti o nal ac ti vi ti es.
Authors and Affiliations
Ognjen Jovović
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