Role of research in mycology in the introduction of fungal infection determinants
Journal Title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής - Year 2006, Vol 23, Issue 6
In recent years a multitude of molecular and immuno-serological methods have been introduced in the field of diagnostic mycology. Rapid developments in the area referred to as "molecular diagnosis of fungal diseases", generated by studies in fungal molecular genetics and fungal genomics, are not irrelevant to the management of fungal infections. It is inevitable that certain components of molecular mycology research have become integrated into the practice of caring for patients with mycoses. Non-culture-based assays, such as PCR, although available for almost 10 years, have not yet revolutionized the field of infectious diseases as a whole, nor that of fungal diseases. The current approach for diagnosing mycoses remains equally based on microscopy, culture and an array of traditional identification methods of the fungal isolate, as well as on non-culture-based assays. Gradually, however, procedures allowing rapid and dependable sample processing, analysis of data and interpretation of results assist in the detection and identification of fungal pathogens in clinical specimens. This progress is highlighted by the increasing exploitation of non-culture diagnostic assays in clinical practice worldwide and proves that laboratory and clinical professionals with an interest in mycology have parallel, rather than opposed, roles to play in the management and control of fungal infections
Authors and Affiliations
Οξεία ικτερική ηπατίτιδα οφειλόμενη <br /> σε σύνδρομο επικάλυψης αυτοάνοσης ηπατίτιδας<br /> και πρωτογενούς χολικής κίρρωσης<br />
Προσδιοριστές της συχνότητας του στραβισμού
ΣΚΟΠΟΣ Η διερεύνηση της ενδεχόμενης σχέσης της επίπτωσης του στραβισμού με ορισμένα χαρακτηριστικά των ατόμων. ΥΛΙΚΟ-ΜΕΘΟΔΟΣ Μελετήθηκαν 98 παιδιά, ηλικίας 6 μηνών έως 18 ετών, από τα οποία τα 62 (38 κορίτσια και 24...
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