Roman Zaynab: između arapskog tradicionalizma i evropskog romantizma / Novel Zaynab: between arab traditionalism and european romanticism
Journal Title: Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Zenici / Proceedings of the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica - Year 2019, Vol 17, Issue 17
Novel Zaynab by Egyptian author Muḥammad Ḥusayn Haykal has become a subject of interest for Arab and Western European scholars in the field of literature. This novel is interesting and important in many aspects, one of them being a skillful blend of traditional Arab literary heritage and European Romanticism elements Haykal presented in this novel. Thus, individuality as one of the most important elements will be emphasized, which in a broader context marks the awakening of national consciousness and the formation of a new image of the Arab society. This work highlights the most significant stances of Arab and Western critics of this novel, points out its literary and artistic elements with a particular emphasis on the elements of ancient classical Arab literature and European Romanticism, comparing them to the classical literary works of the two civilizations
Authors and Affiliations
Azra Kapetanović
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