Rozgrywki piłkarskie na terenie Wielkopolski a kształtowanie patriotyzmu polskiej młodzieży w latach 1906–1923 i 1939–1943

Journal Title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu - Year 2016, Vol 55, Issue 4


Background. At the end of the 19th century, football development among the Polish youth inhabiting the Greater Poland region, then under the Prussian annexation, was strictly connected with political events. The native language was forbidden; creating truly Polish associations, including sports clubs, was also banned. However, the Polish people tried to reinforce the Polish spirit and promote patriotic values. Young Poles courageously developed football in Greater Poland at that time. The main objective of the study was to provide exam­ples of patriotic activities bound with football competitions under the Prussian and Nazi occupation. Material and methods. The authors employed the methods of historic source analysis, induction, deduction, synthesis, and comparison. Results and conclusions. The hard times of annexation and World War II did not inhibit the growth of football in Greater Poland. Indeed, they contributed to its development. Polish sports associations were often established in conspiracy, and football competitions were not only a matter of sport but also a way to manifest the national consciousness.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Owsiański, Rafał Szubert


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How To Cite

Jarosław Owsiański, Rafał Szubert (2016). Rozgrywki piłkarskie na terenie Wielkopolski a kształtowanie patriotyzmu polskiej młodzieży w latach 1906–1923 i 1939–1943. Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, 55(4), 100-113.