Самозащита гражданских прав и меры оперативного воздействия на должника: соотношение понятий / Self-protection of Civil Rights and Measures of Operative Influence on the Debtor: Correlation of Concepts

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 2


In the article authors investigate the correlation of concepts of “self-protection of civil rights” and “measures of operative influence on the debtor”. The authors examine the concepts of “self- protection of civil rights” and “measures of operative influence on the debtor” on the basis of existing legislation and the opinions of various authors, as well as in the context of such concepts as “jurisdictional” and “non-jurisdictional” forms of protection of civil rights. Authors submit the characteristics of each of the concepts. Authors analyse the approaches to the definition of “self- protection of civil rights”, based not only on the Belarusian legislation, but also on the legislation of the foreign countries. Conclusions about the correlation of these concepts are made and the definition of the notion of “self- protection of civil rights” is proposed. Authors also offer the changes to the article 13 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, which are correlated within the essence of this definition, as well as other amendments to the existing legislation of the Republic of Belarus, based on the conclusions reached by the authors of this article.

Authors and Affiliations

Татьяна ТАРАНОВА, Сергей МУХИН


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Татьяна ТАРАНОВА, Сергей МУХИН (2014). Самозащита гражданских прав и меры оперативного воздействия на должника: соотношение понятий / Self-protection of Civil Rights and Measures of Operative Influence on the Debtor: Correlation of Concepts. Університетські наукові записки, 13(2), 91-98. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-425655