Journal Title: Schulz/Forum - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 8
The term “schulzoids,” coined by Igor Klech to identify the admirers of Schulz’s fiction and graphic art, who travel to Drogobych in search of the genuine cinnamon shops, has been accepted by the Schulz scholars as referring to those writers who follow the topics, vision of the world, and, in particular, the style and idiom of Schulz; who have chosen him as their patron saint and partner of discussion. The authors of the present, eighth number of Schulz/Forum, approach the Schulzean inspirations in a similar perspective.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Sitkiewicz
Dzieło, którego nie ma? Praktyczne (i ontologiczne) powody niedostępności Xięgi Bałwochwalczej
In the age of technological reproductibility the original of The Booke of Idolatry has disappeared under more and more replicas. We have been talking and writing about reproductions which are more and more distant from t...
Schulzowskie relacje transtekstualne i kontekstowe w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku
The main goal of the paper is to analyze Schulzean transtextual and contextual relations in Polish literature of the 20th and 21st century. Using the theories of Gérard Genette, the author focuses mostly on hypertextual...
Wspomnienie o Schulzu
In Izabela Czermakowa’s memory, Bruno Schulz appears to be a writer that attracted people’s attention and had many occasions to socialize with the “high society,” not only in Drogobych. Yet he was so shy that those who m...
Filatelistyczne inklinacje Brunona Schulza i Waltera Benjamina
In Schulz’s short story “Spring” the interest in stamps and a stamp album, which plays the role of a quasi-mystical Book, equals fascination with distant, exotic realms located outside the familiar. It is also a praise o...
Nieletnia muza portrecisty Brunona Schulza. O fotografii Ireny Kejlinówny
The article focuses on the photography of eleven-year-old Irena Kejlinówna taken in 1921. Living in Warsaw with her parents, Cecylia and Aleksander, the girl would meet Bruno Schulz in August 1922 during holidays that sh...