Scientific and methodological approaches for forming the management strategy for the assortment of medicinal cosmetic products in pharmacies


Aim. To substantiate scientific and methodological approaches for forming the management strategy for the assortment of medicinal cosmetic products taking into account the characteristics of this pharmaceutical product group and determining the key indicators of activities for each type of pharmacy. Materials and methods. The works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of optimization of the pharmacy assortment and formation of the effective assortment policy of drugs, the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of the pharmaceutical activity regulation in Ukraine were considered. The expert evaluation method, criteria of maximum reasonableness and non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, generalized additive spline models, etc., were used. Results. It has been found that all pharmacies depending on their location are divided into walkthrough ones located in supermarkets, those located in residential areas and transit. Medicinal cosmetic product consumers who visit these pharmacies differ in their behavior model. It has been proven that in order to form an optimal of medicinal cosmetic product assortment it is necessary to take into account not only the specificity of the consumer behavior, but also the strategic priorities in activities of pharmacies of various types. The methodological recommendations for optimizing the medicinal cosmetic product assortment in pharmacies of various types has been proposed, and the algorithm for forming the management strategy for the assortment of medicinal cosmetic products based on the use of category management principles has been developed. Conclusions. The presence of medicinal cosmetic products in the assortment of different types of pharmacies has a positive effect on the financial and economic indicators of their activities. To include them in the assortment it is necessary to develop the assortment management strategy specifically for each type of pharmacy. Formation of such a strategy should be based, firstly, on the key indicators of activities, which most adequately reflect the strategic benchmarks of development of pharmacies of a definite type; secondly, on methodical recommendations regarding formation of the optimal assortment portfolio of medicinal cosmetic products using modern economic and mathematical methods.

Authors and Affiliations

O. V. Posilkina, V. G Kotlyarova, O. V. Chechotka


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  • EP ID EP662778
  • DOI 10.24959/sphhcj.19.142
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How To Cite

O. V. Posilkina, V. G Kotlyarova, O. V. Chechotka (2019). Scientific and methodological approaches for forming the management strategy for the assortment of medicinal cosmetic products in pharmacies. Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я, 5(1), 61-68.