Self modyffication of treatment inborn agenesis of uterine cervix and vagina - distant results
Journal Title: Ginekologia Praktyczna - Year 2005, Vol 85, Issue 4
Objective: congenital agenesis of the uterine cervix and vagina with present of uterine corpus and endometrium is one of the rarest congenital defects. The objective of this manuscript is to present delay results of a sparing surgical treatment in four girls with inborn agenesis of the uterine cervix and vagina, who were operated in our Clinic. Material and method: The operation was conducted in four stages: 1. Formation of the vagina. 2. Phantomization of vagina. 3. Joining of the reconstructed vagina with the uterus. 4. Revision and correction of the junction. Results: normal menstruation was restored in all patients. At postoperating period cases of reccurent atresion of the canal at the uterovaginal junction were noted. Potency was restored with hysteroscope and the canal was mechanically distended. At two cases patency of the uterovaginal junction was maintained with a intubation tube.
Authors and Affiliations
Ryszard Bedner, Izabella Rzepka-Górska, Anna Błogowska
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