Semantyka morfemu rdzeniowego *kozw zachodniosłowiańskich dialektalnych nazwach roślin


The article is devoted to specifics of semantic structure of the root morpheme *koz- in West Slavic dialectal phytonyms. In the center of attention is the group of phytonyms numbering more than 30 names of plants with the root *koz- in their structure. The characteristic feature of this group is a variety of their motivational signs and double motivation of some names of plants. It is supposed that a source of this phenomenon is multilayered structure of semantics of the root morpheme *koz- and ability of some components (‘goat’ and ‘nervous’) to change their place and status in this structure. The attention is also paid, that in such roots as *koz-, *koń-, *žab-, *myš- etc. there is always a seme ‘animal’, which doesn’t change its status and unites all the components of the semantics of the root in one structure at different stages of functioning of the names of plants.

Authors and Affiliations

Liubou Padporynava


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How To Cite

Liubou Padporynava (2016). Semantyka morfemu rdzeniowego *kozw zachodniosłowiańskich dialektalnych nazwach roślin. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 91-102.