The dictionary “The Russian Province” is the first scientific experience in comprehensive reflection
and interdisciplinary description of the space as the bearer of culture. The main purpose of its creation
is to synth...
В статье рассмотрены основные проблемы, связанные с оценкой успешности научной работы исходя из количественных показателей. Автор опирается при изучении данной проблемы на собственный успешный опыт взаимодействия с редак...
The article analyzes the background of interdisciplinary study of the region. The strengths and weaknesses of the theory and methodology of sociology and social geography, as they appear in contemporary Russian context,...
The article describes the main problems connected with the assessment of the success of
the scientific work on the basis of quantitative indicators. In the study of this problem the author
relies on his own successful...
Text of Space: Experience of the dictionary «Russian province». Part II
The dictionary “The Russian Province” is the first scientific experience in comprehensive reflection and interdisciplinary description of the space as the bearer of culture. The main purpose of its creation is to synth...
Система «ВАКовских» публикаций как проблема антропологии научной жизни
В статье рассмотрены основные проблемы, связанные с оценкой успешности научной работы исходя из количественных показателей. Автор опирается при изучении данной проблемы на собственный успешный опыт взаимодействия с редак...
Interaction of related sciences in the study of the region: efficacy and compatibility of the methodologies and theoretical assumptions
The article analyzes the background of interdisciplinary study of the region. The strengths and weaknesses of the theory and methodology of sociology and social geography, as they appear in contemporary Russian context,...
The system of "VAK" publications as the problem of the Anthropology of scientific life
The article describes the main problems connected with the assessment of the success of the scientific work on the basis of quantitative indicators. In the study of this problem the author relies on his own successful...
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