Social and geographical features of transformation of industrial regions (for example Katowice conurbation, Poland)
Journal Title: Часопис соціально-економічної географії - Year 2017, Vol 23, Issue 2
In connection with the intensive development of post-industrialization and globalization processes in the world, the issue of the transformation of big industrial regions is typical. The purpose of this article is to characterize the transformation processes of the Katowice conurbation in the aspect of human-geographical research. Region`s industrial development, main demographic process and the labor market, transport problems, the industrial heritage of the conurbation and the concept of the development of regional industrial tourism were characterized in this article. The Katowice conurbation does not cope with negative demographic phenomena, in particular, the decrease in the number of inhabitants of large cities, the small number of the population of the pre-working age and the high level of emigration. The development of the conurbation`s transport infrastructure is not able to keep up with the increasing number of private car. Poor quality of public transport does not provide any alternative to the population in comparison with the capabilities of cars. Katowice conurbation`s territory has stopped being a typical industrial region. A significant part of the heavy industry and mines has been closed, and the majority of the conurbation population works in the services sector. The city and provincial governments are trying to use the remaining industrial heritage to develop regional tourism.
Authors and Affiliations
Анджей Сочувка, Анастасия Мазурова
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