Socio-economic results of the Obama presidency


The article is devoted to the results of the socio-economic development of the USA in 2009–2016. The legacy of Barack Obama is analyzed in terms of the welfare of ordinary Americans. The author notes the positive changes in the private housing market, the temporary successes in the educational policy, the advances and drawbacks of the health insurance reform. Thesocial differentiation is depicted as the dominant socio-economic trend. The analysis of factual material and data led the author to the conclusion that the results of the enacted policy did not meet the high expectations of the electorate, the loss of part of which led to the defeat of the Democrats in the 2016 elections.

Authors and Affiliations

Иван Васильевич Варивончик


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How To Cite

Иван Васильевич Варивончик (2017). Socio-economic results of the Obama presidency. Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. История, 0(2), 69-75.