Socio-economic transformations of standards as a key factor to environmental modernization of the regional level

Journal Title: Економіка і регіон - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 60


The article deals with methodological basis of socio-economic transformation of standards’ system for the realization of ecological modernization, namely: the standards’ system improving in accordance with time-factors, standards’ accepting which regulate the interaction between them in the sphere of regional development, the standards’ system formation for the development regulating of socio-economic systems in the context of economics greening, ecological socio-economic development of the region. The author distinguished that the ways of socio-economic standards’ transformation are the main components for the «greening» of the regional economics managing on the basis of innovation policy. There are the criteria, principles and tools of ecological modernisation in the region, which requires changes in the standards’ system: transformation of the standards’ types, their types setting, into consideration time-factors and reaction of socio-economic systems to influence of standards. It is evidenced the connection between these ways.

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Shkarupa


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How To Cite

Olena Shkarupa (2016). Socio-economic transformations of standards as a key factor to environmental modernization of the regional level. Економіка і регіон, 5(60), 25-30.