Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Mandible with a malignant component. A Case Report
The solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare soft tissue tumor that most commonly occurs in the pleural cavity. However, it has also been described in other sites of the body, but only a limited number of SFTs cases have been reported in the oral cavity. Diagnosis depends mainly on microscopic and immunohistochemical features, although imaging may help. Since this tumor shares a number of similar features with other mesenchymal lesions, the histological diagnosis of SFT might be difficult. Awareness of its occurrence in the oral cavity is important in order to avoid confusion with other spindle cell neoplasms. Close follow-up for several years is recommended due to potential late local recurrence. We present, as we believe, the first case of an endosseous SFT, arising in the mandibular bone.
Authors and Affiliations
Stylianos ZANAKIS, Sotirios KYRIAKOU
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