Some Aspects of Ethics in Negotiations
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 4
Negotiations are part of our lives. Are often carried out by various social and professional groups. The companies' activities occupy an important position in the negotiations, the talks depends on driving skills often make new contacts and further cooperation between the companies. In practice negotiation techniques are used to assist in achieving the intended purpose, some of them, however, raise ethical objections. This paper presents the concept of ethics and negotiations. The allowable range of activities ethics negotiations. The next section elaborates on the motives and consequences of the use of unethical behavior in the negotiations. The aim of the article is not a criticism of standards used by the negotiators but the desire to draw attention to the moral dilemmas before confronting the negotiators and the consequences of some unethical behavior.
Authors and Affiliations
Alicja Szczygieł
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