Vladimir Varshavsky – a representative of the younger generation of the first wave Russian emigration – went down in the history of literature as the author of the memoirs “The Unnoticed Generation”, dedicated to his gen...
The problems that have been studied to a small extent by the Belarusian linguists, among other problems abbreviations functionality. Depending on the use of acronyms can be either autonomous or structurally related. Is t...
The subject of this article is The grave stones o f contributors o f Lavra (the author means the one in Kiev) which presents epitaphs as one of the characteristic genres of the European baroque literature. Being religiou...
EP ID EP657985
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Alewtina Ławrinienko (1996). Современное польское слово "wrzeć" : история и судьба его эквивалента в русском языке. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
237-245. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-657985
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"Аксіологічні аспекти прагмалінгвістики : формування і розвиток категорії оцінки", Тетяна Космеда, Львів 2000
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The subject of this article is The grave stones o f contributors o f Lavra (the author means the one in Kiev) which presents epitaphs as one of the characteristic genres of the European baroque literature. Being religiou...