Spălarea banilor prin intermediul criptovalutelor
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 210
At the present stage, money laundering has become more and more problematic in terms of detection and investigation due to modern methods of committing it. Modern technologies that sometimes even law enforcement do not allow, permit criminals to remain in the shadow of organized crime and lack of legislative or regulatory loopholes that make the unpunished. At present, in the world economic market, the term of cryptocurrency is increasingly used. If the majority of the population, are skeptical about this concept and are not recognizing it as an alternative to real money, what the of cryptocurrency system proposes, has become an interesting thing for criminal groups and organizations. The purpose of this article is to highlight distinct features of cryptocurrencies and to elucidate some methods of detecting and investigating money laundering through them.
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