Spatio-temporal changes of the recultivated soil penetration resistance of Nikopol manganese mining basin


Various ways of allocation of elements of the structural organisation of soil at subprofile and soil-cover levels, and also distinctions in a choice of criteria of carrying out of borders in soil space define a problem of joining of the higher and lowest levels of the soil organisation as natural body. The work aim is to investigate the existence of over horizon soil morphological structures in technozems on the basis of studying of soil penetration resistance dynamics of soil penetration resistance sod litogenyc soils on grey-green clays of the Nikopol manganese mining basin. Material gathering was spent in the spring 2012 and 2013 on a Nikopol manganese mining basin recultivation site in Ordzhoniikodze. As object of studying the sod litogenyc soils on grey-green clays have been chosen. Measurement of soil penetration resistance have been made in field conditions by means of manual penetrometr Eijkelkamp on depth to 50 sm to an interval 5 sm. The descriptive statistics of data of soil penetration resistance sod litogenyc soils on greygreen clays reveal the general regularity which have been found out during researches both in 2012, and in 2013. Average values of soil penetration resistance and value of a confidential interval naturally increase with depth. The greatest values of factor of a variation of a studied sign are observed in the top layers of earth (0-15 sm from a surface) where variability of an indicator exceeds 53 %. The soil of more homogeneous becomes deeper on a profile, the variation factor decreases to 25-35 %. The indicators of soil penetration resistance received in 2013, show high spatial dependence in top (0-15 sm from a surface) and bottom (35-50 sm from a surface) layers of the studied thickness of soil. Level-by-level two-dimensional mapping has allowed to show a specific combination of areas of the raised soil penetration resistance, forming oval over horizon formations which penetrate the investigated layers. Their form changes with depth: the linear sizes grow downwards on a profile that corresponds to value of radius of influence increasing with depth. On the basis of level-by-level mapping of spatial distribution of soil penetration resistance of the studied soil are revealed over horizon morphological formations which possess own sizes, by the form. The configuration of the revealed morphological elements of blankets of the studied soil is in direct dependence on a profile structure last year. Positive correlation reveals of a structure testifies to it top (0-5, 5-10, 15-20 sm deep into from a surface) layers of earth with the structure of a profile revealed in previous year, at Р <0,05. The arrangement of morphological elements in a soil layer at level of 30-40 sm from a surface is formed under steady influence of negative feedback with the structure of the given soil layer revealed in previous year, and the layers located more low (Р <0,05). Discovered objects may be considered as elements of spatial heterogeneity as they differ by criterion of soil penetration resistance from adjacent parts of a soil body. The found morphological objects are separated from adjacent soil space by gradient margin which concern most "natural" as their position in soil space least depends on positions and point of view of the researcher. The last allows to draw a conclusion, that the found out morphological formations are natural elements of the organisation of soil as natural body.

Authors and Affiliations

Олександр Жуков, Галина Задорожна


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How To Cite

Олександр Жуков, Галина Задорожна (2016). Spatio-temporal changes of the recultivated soil penetration resistance of Nikopol manganese mining basin. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 8(1), -.