Special feature for teaching the law of the sea and maritime law for students of different specialties: experience of the maritime and commercial law department of NUOS
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 2
The article is devoted to the method of the teaching of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law. The experience of the Maritime and Commercial Law Department of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding is taken into account. The dissertation explores the distinction between thematic plans, methods of teaching of the Law of the Sea for students of specialties 081 «Law», 271 «River and sea transport» (specialization «Operation of marine electrical equipment and means of automation» and «Exploitation of marine power plants») and 135 «Shipbuilding» (specialization «System engineering of marine infrastructure objects», «Ship repair and maintenance of the fleet» and «Yachting and small vessels»). The thematic plan necessarily includes topics concerning the theoretical foundations of the law of the sea; legal regime of sea spaces; legal status of the vessel, captain, crew; ship's documents; the legal status of ports; legal regulation of navigation safety; legal regulation of the protection of the natural environment (the oceans); legal regulation of seamen's work; legal provision for the protection of ships and port facilities; contracts on sea transport. Other topics may be added to the plan or broken down into several, depending on the professional orientation of the specialty. It is noted that the difference in the perceptual abilities of law students and students of technical specialties require the use of different teaching methods. Seminars, disputes, conversations, case-method are used for law students successfully. Tests are a good method for student engineers. The motivation of students of different specialties for training and scientific work in the field of maritime law and the Law of the Sea has been considered. The perspective in methodical work at the Maritime and Commercial Law Department of NUOS has been considered briefly.
Authors and Affiliations
Анна Сандюк, Олег Дубинский, Hanna Sandiuk, Oleg Dubinskiy, Ганна Сандюк
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