Specificity of formation of outlook of the future military experts in a global deideologization
Journal Title: Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 28
The main element in shaping the outlook of future military professionals, their involvement in the values of military service is the creation of educational action throughout the educational process. In the basis of this system must be based on an effective impact on student motivation in his future professional self (in this case military-professional selfdetermination). The military education is not defined sustainable balance-centered and authoritarian theory-driven practice; system of training future officers in the military university education is not static but is in constant change under the influence of experience. Also note that at the moment the spiritual sphere of training of future officers is subject of negative processes (global deidealization, pragmatic practice of everyday life, the massive impact of the media and others). Reform of the liberal education of future officers in modern social and cultural contexts made from: – Enriching the content of modern liberal education in higher military school with new ideas, new experiences of practical activities of troops; – Implementation of a system of military education military specialist new type formed based on competent approach to humanitarian, moral, legal, aesthetic areas of training; – Careful attention to the development of innovative models, new technologies and forms of humanization and humanization of military-educational process; – Coordination of scientific and pedagogical military public universities, representatives of customers personnel (military command), institutions and organizations to provide quality humanitarian and development component of higher postgraduate and additional professional education; – Active cooperation of teachers of humanitarian and military-professional disciplines; Humanitarian future education officer, who is in the interest of the individual, society and the state appears as «eternal and universal value». Humanitarian consider military education in narrow and broad sense, namely: a) humanitarian education of future officers (in the narrow sense – is the purpose, content and outcome of humanization and humanization of the educational process, to form individual graduate military school, which has philosophical and attitudinal, social, pedagogical, the overall cultural, moral, existential, artistic aesthetic, cultural, religious, sociological, intellectual and other critical competencies that enable it to successfully carry out professional activities; b) humanitarian education of future officers (in the broad sense – is a multi purposeful and continuous educational process of the individual graduate military school, which provides maximum achievement of certain humanistic qualities which helps to solve military professional tasks (in the broad social and cultural contexts) and part of the intellectual and spiritual elite States Considerable potential in shaping the outlook soldier belongs moral and psychological support of military operations and psychological preparation of the Armed Forces directly in military units and formations.
Authors and Affiliations
Г. Фінін
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