Specifics of Rendition of Ukrainian Realia in German-Language Academic Texts (Based On A. Jensen’s Monograph Ein Ukrainisches Dichterleben)

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 161


Realia are mostly studied in terms of their functioning and reproduction in works of art. However, texts of literary study have not yet attracted sufficient attention from researchers. This article focuses on the phenomenology of Ukrainian-language realia in Taras Schewtschenko. Ein Ukrainisches Dichterleben – a biographical study written in German language by Alfred Jensen, the famous Swedish literary critic, and published in Vienna in 1916. A. Jensen was one of the first Western European researchers to have written a major research monograph about a Ukrainian author. Despite the fact that in this work there are many realia incomprehensible to the German-speaking reader, his merit is that apart from T. Shevchenko, he also disclosed a large stratum of Ukrainian culture to the European literary critical community. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the types and functions of Ukrainian-language realia as they appear in the given academic text, as well as to discuss approaches to adequate tactics of their rendition in German. The achievement of this goal involves solving the following tasks: to identify Ukrainian-language realia in A. Jensen‘s work; to classify them according to existing typologies; to characterize ways of their rendition in the German language; as well as to determine in which way the reproduction of realia influences representations of the general image of Ukraine and its culture in this German-language work. The specific nature of the studied material is that, while A. Jensen widely used Ukrainian realia in his original work, he was not a professional interpreter. Yet for the German reader the author materialises as a kind of a "translator" of the Ukrainian language, its national colouring, and the Ukrainian culture as a whole. Discrepancies in the linguistic-ethnic character between the native speakers and speakers of the language of translation have both a cultural and a historical basis. In addition, difficulties do not only lie in the language plane, but also in the plane of differences in cultures with their specific ideological, social and behavioural aspects. Therefore, when using realia in translation, it should be borne in mind that what is understandable to a native speaker of the language may cause misunderstanding with the recipient of the translated text due to the differences in worldview, initial knowledge, culture-specific metaphoricity and behavioural norms. In short, the perception of the same text by different audiences may not be the same.

Authors and Affiliations

Y. Tkachenko


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  • EP ID EP495415
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-Ph2018-161VI48-13
  • Views 117
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How To Cite

Y. Tkachenko (2018). Specifics of Rendition of Ukrainian Realia in German-Language Academic Texts (Based On A. Jensen’s Monograph Ein Ukrainisches Dichterleben). Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(161), 54-57. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-495415