Способи усунення апікального домінування у бобів кормових в умовах Західного Лісостепу України / Ways to elimination of the apical domination of broad beans in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The apical domination from an agronomic point of view is a negative and harmful phenomenon and consists in the domination of an apical growth over the growth of lateral shoots and kidneys. As a result, plants are drawn to a height, become prone to damping off, are more affected by illness, falling (abortion) of flowers and fruits occurs. Reducing the effects of the apical growth is one of the sources of increasing productivity and quality indicators of agricultural crops and in particular broad beans. A brief analysis of scientific research on this topic was conducted. The history of synthesis, the theoretical basis of the use of potassium salt and hydrazide of maleic acid (HMA), its biochemical mechanism of an action on plants and cells were provided. Methods of the elimination of apical domination in plants of broad beans are shown. It was established that the highest yield indicators of the grain of broad beans ensure the putting of HMA at a concentration of 0,4 % and chasing (variants 4 and 6) and it becomes 4,50 and 4,55 t/ha. At the same time, on these variants, one of the indices of individual productivity of broad bean plants, namely, M1000 grains (variant 4 by 45 g and variant 6 by 31 g) compared with control, decreased. Considering the complexity of realization of chasing and the lack of a suitable agricultural machinery, we recommend the putting of HMA in a concentration of 0,4 % as a method of eliminating the apical domination.
Authors and Affiliations
Taras Bagay
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