Stanisław Firlej is a renowned polish cellist and pedagogue, connected with the Grażyna and kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of music in Łódź for many years. in october 2015, he was honored by the Academy of music in Łódź with...
The article discusses the issues concerning culture and its popularization in the context of 1st-level music schools run by local government bodies. That sort of activity is represented by an educational project, musical...
Contemporary research on the role and importance of singing, just to mention the work by Thomas Blank and Karl Adamek (2010), indicates the link between the ability to sing and the so-called educational preparedness as...
Musicon to niezwykły wynalazek. Można go nazwać muzyczną maszyną przypominającą pozytywkę. To nowe urządzenie dydaktyczne dzięki swej atrakcyjności pobudza do swobodnych i twórczych zabaw rozwijających muzykalność. Wszys...
EP ID EP79417
DOI 10.5604/2392277X.1165089
Views 122
Downloads 0
How To Cite
Jerzy Rachubiński (2015). Sprawozdanie z II Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej z cyklu
„Konteksty Sztuki Dyrygenckiej”. "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego", 2(1),
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“Executio anima compositionis” – a few reflections on the cellist Stanisław Firlej
Stanisław Firlej is a renowned polish cellist and pedagogue, connected with the Grażyna and kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of music in Łódź for many years. in october 2015, he was honored by the Academy of music in Łódź with...
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Contemporary research on the role and importance of singing, just to mention the work by Thomas Blank and Karl Adamek (2010), indicates the link between the ability to sing and the so-called educational preparedness as...
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