Sprawozdanie z interdyscyplinarnej konferencji naukowej Literatura staropolska. Czytanie tekstów, historia i kultura (Pobierowo, 19–21 października 2017 roku)
Journal Title: Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Vincůrková, Marta Zawada-Zawadzka
Teologiczne podstawy wizji historii w poezji Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego
The image of God in ***[„Śnieg jak wieko żelazne”…] by Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński may become not only a key to the poem interpretation, but also a starting point for considerations concerning the poet’s perception of hist...
Dialektyka neutralności
The author makes an attempt to work out a model of reading works by Krzysztof Siwczyk, one of the most interesting poets last years. On the one hand, the author of Koncentrat seems to be immersed in radical modernist dis...
„Na z góry straconych pozycjach”. Z Donatem Kirschem rozmawia Andrzej Śnioszek
O kwadratowym modlitewniku Henryka Wańka
At the very beginning of his review, the author indicates that Notatnik i modlitewnik drogowy by Henryk Waniek is a remarkably eccentric piece of writing (in accordance with the etymology of this word as located outside...
Towiański i towianizm w pismach Słowackiego Apoteoza – rozczarowanie – krytyka
The evolution concerning what Słowacki thought about Towiański and Towianism ranged from a sincere affirmation, and even a deep identification with master’s point of view, to strong criticism and withdrawal from Koło Spr...