Sprzeciw sumienia w orzecznictwie ETPC (na podstawie wyroku Wielkiej Izby z 7 lipca 2011 r. w sprawie Bayatyan v. Armenia)
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2016, Vol 134, Issue 3
The article provides an analysis of judgment of Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights of 7 July 2011 in the case of Bayatyan v. Armenia, in which the Court, based on the “living instrument” doctrine, gives — inter alia — a new creative interpretation of Article 9 of the Convention. In this interpretation the Court broadened its scope of protection to include conscientious objectors, to autonomous extent, within the full meaning of this prerequisite not functionally limited to matters relating to the armed service, which might be indicated by the scope of the case considered.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Falski
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