St. Thomas’ Proof for the Lord of Lords from the Cause of Causes

Journal Title: Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia - Year 2015, Vol 8, Issue 3


n this study I examine the argument for the existence of God from finality formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas in the prologue to his commentary Super Evangelium Sancti Ioannis. Of particular interest is accounting for his characterization of this argument as the via efficacissima. I suggest two reasons for this appellation: first, philosophically, because this demonstrates the existence of God from the cause of causes and thus supplies intelligibility and explanation even for the via manifestior of efficient causality. Second, theologically, because its conclusion imparts an understanding of God as the Lord of Lords, by whose Divine Providence the world is ordered and governed. In this way, then, Thomas philosophically begins to explicate the theological implications of the Verbum of St. John’s Gospel.

Authors and Affiliations

Catherine Peters


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  • EP ID EP192565
  • DOI 10.12775/BPTh.2015.019
  • Views 67
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How To Cite

Catherine Peters (2015). St. Thomas’ Proof for the Lord of Lords from the Cause of Causes. Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia, 8(3), 81-94.