Стан, структура і тенденції розвитку основних лісових формацій Косівщини [Condition, structure and development trends of the main forest formations in Kosivshchyna]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
Forest Fund of Kosivshchyna (Ivano-Frankivsk region) is distinguished by the significant variety of forest- and forest site types, species composition and structure of forest formations which are located within 270-1472 m a.s.l. The region is characterized by the predominance of broadleaved forests, middle-aged and maturing stands. It is found that the most productive stands are forest stands of National Nature Park "Hutsulshchyna", the least productive are stands of the Ryeagrolis enterprise. For the purpose of conducting comprehensive studies on monitoring of forests of level 2, based on the analysis of species composition, taking into account the diversity of natural conditions and the presence of valuable vegetation communities in the study region, 5 permanent study plots (PSP) were established in 4 main forest formations and a secondary spruce stand. The results of long-term observations (2005-2014) made it possible to determine the dynamics of the condition, structure, natural regeneration processes as well as the development trends of beech, spruce, fir, oak and secondary spruce formations. Most of the forest stands, throughout the investigation period, showed a decrease in the number of trees, growing stock and density, but at the same time there was an increase in the average diameter and height as well as the stock of dead wood. The number of damaged trees (mainly by abiotic and biotic factors) also tends to increase. The secondary spruce stand is in critical condition, with extremely low density and a relatively low stock of stem wood of living trees. The advance growth in most formations tends to increase in density, is defined as sufficient, with the exception of the oak stand. Minor, but positive dynamics of growth of natural regeneration is observed in the oak formation, however, due to the increase in the number of 3-5-year-old undergrowth of oak and broadleaved associate species. The intensive process of natural regeneration is impeded by turf formation, biological and ecological characteristics of the pedunculate oak due to its special requirements to the light regime. In this formation, it is necessary to conduct silvicultural activities aimed at strengthening the position of the pedunculate oak. It is concluded that over the past decade, the number of natural regeneration trees in the secondary spruce forest has increased significantly – from 0.5 to 7 thousand pcs./ha, mainly due to beech and fir trees. This gives grounds to claim that in the place and instead of a secondary forest, a primary forest is naturally formed.
Authors and Affiliations
Vasyl Losyuk, Оleh Pogribnyy, Iurii Debryniuk
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