Статусные отличия и ритуалы в знаковой среде классических университетов Украины конца XX – начала XXI вв.
Journal Title: Dzieje Biurokracji - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The article investigates the process of formation and evolution of the status symbols in the sign environment of Ukraine’s classical universities of the late 20th – early 21st centuries. University is considered not only as a social institution, but also as a cultural community, whose existence is appreciably conditioned by certain rituals and symbols connected with these rituals. We note that the characteristic feature of this process’s modern stage is a construction of university symbols’ new forms which are based on international practice and represent a synthesis of traditions peculiar to domestic universities and West European ones. An impact of previous traditions on modern state of university sign environment is traced. Historical prerequisites for the formation of the status symbols of Ukraine’s classical universities are considered. For these symbols, trends of the evolution during the modern period are retraced and factors of the change are ascertained. The database of Ukraine’s classical universities emblems is built, wherein the collected visual materials are systematized and the status symbols are classified. The relationship between symbolic and sociocultural levels of the functioning of university communities in modern Ukraine is retraced.
Authors and Affiliations
Евгений Рачков
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