Stefani Wojtyła - nieznana historia krewnej papieża
Journal Title: Wadoviana Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue 19
Stefania Wojtyła (1891 - 1962) was a half-sister of Karol Wojtyła’s father. When Karol’s parents and his brother Edmund died, Stefania remained a next of kin of the later Pope. She was a techer by profession, worked in Biła City and in – situated nearby - Rybarzowice village, . During the Second World War she was initially unemployed, and then she was teaching in German schools in Biała and Dziedzice. At that time she signed German People’s List, so called The Deutsche Volksliste. After the war she was banned from working in the Biała county due to her attitude during the occupation of Poland. She decided to go to Stodoły village, near Rybnik in so-called Recovered Territories, where she took up a job of the headmaster of a school. She worked there until she went into retirement in 1958. The last years of her life she spent in Krakow, running a household of Karol Wojtyła - then a bishop.
Authors and Affiliations
Jarosław Krutak
Publikacje za rok 2006
Bibliografia Wadowic i ziemi wadowickiej za rok 2006.
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