Stiffness analysis of clamping the workpiece in the turning process
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 29
The achievement of the highest accuracy is an important factor in machining. The dynamics and statics of the system, ultimately, is affecting the process precision 1. The stiffness of MGFT system (machine tool – grip – fixture – tool) is significant in process of machining. Dynamics of the machining system is related to its some parts like machine dynamics, tool dynamics or clamping workpiece 2. The rigidity of wokrpiece – toolholder subsystem has an enormous influence of machining 3. The paper provides stiffness analysis of workpiece made of Waspaloy, nickel-base superalloy material. The workpiece was clamped into hydraulic three-jaw chuck. The wokrpiece – turning turret subsystem was strained in the radial direction of the shaft. These measurements were repeated on various phases of turbine shaft turning. This component was burdened and disburdened in terms of 0 – 2000 N. Based on this research the deflection characteristics in relation to load yx = f(F) were determined. The purpose of the study was to identify at what stage of the turning process subsystem stiffness will be forfeited. Additionally, impact of number of machined passes on loss of stiffness was determined.
Authors and Affiliations
Martyna Wiciak, Agata Felusiak, Piotr Kieruj
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