Stomatognathic status of the elderly in the survey and clinical trial
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2017, Vol 67, Issue 4
Introduction. According to the WHO the age of 60 is considered as the beginning of senility, years between 60-75 years are considered as elderly age. The state of oral health is one of the most important factor affecting the general welfare of the human body. Aim. Subjective and clinical evaluation of selected elements of elderly patients’ stomatoghnatic system. Material and methods. 126 women and 76 men from Lower Silesia and Podkarpacie, with average age respectively 69.4 and 69.8 years old, participants in University of the Third Age. The study consisted of a questionnaire, containing questions about the presence of self-observed problems with stomathognatic system. In the clinical study, the presence of patients’ own teeth, occlusal support zones, prosthetic restorations, gingival recessesions, tongue crenations, linea alba and signs of a tooth wear were evaluated. Results. The average number of remaining teeth in both sexes was 13.4, half of the subjects did not have any of the occlusal support zones. 52 respondents reported burning mouth syndrome, 37 complained of bruxism, 38 of the problems with temporomandibular joint, and 55 of the increased tension of lower face muscles. The average, declared time to start using dentures was 20.4 years ago. In contrast, the average age of prosthetic restoration used at the time of the examination was 5.1 years. Conclusions. The results of the research indicate that the oral health of elderly people in Poland is not satisfactory. They also point out the need to focus on the more effective education and dental treatment of younger population, which would have an effect on improvement of oral health in the elderly population, as well as their general health and quality of life.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna E. Owczarek, Radosław Maksymowicz, Małgorzata Radwan-Oczko
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